Hello Chic Babes and welcome to my blog post! My name is Kamila Benhabib and I’m here to share all thing beauty related. From stories from behind the chair, to your beauty questions answered, this blog is here to be a fun place to share the best information about the beauty industry.
I was inspired to start a blog from an amazing friend of mine, Sarah McKenzie, who is not only a badass copywriter but an all around top notch fempreneur. Why not start a blog post about all the things my girlfriends and I chat about? Give insight to clients about beauty products, procedures, experiences from a real perspective.
I’d love to hear your feedback. Tell me what you’d like to see in upcoming blogs posts. Questions about botox? Want to learn how to braid? What the hell is balayage and how do I pronounce it? Hit me with all of your questions! I’m looking forward to hearing from you lovelies
xo Kamila